These projects spring from the 1621 treatise Novum Organum by Sir Francis Bacon, a work important in the development of the scientific method and, most importantly, reason. The mockups are very rough as to composition, scale, and material; but I will describe each one in detail below.
In order of appearance:

Idola Theatri: Standing Dominos
In this piece the maps of southeast Asian countries, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam will be very lush. The dominos will be much taller than shown and stand amid the portraits and broken frames of the five U.S. presidents who served during the debacle of the Vietnam war.

Idola Theatri: It’s the SpOils
The oil rig will be a three-dimensional piece standing over the map of Iraq. The map itself will be constructed of desert-type materials; sand, rock, etc. Embedded in the desert sand is the image of Saddam Hussein, while standing on the oil rig are Dick Cheney and George Bush, behind him as always.

Idola Specus: $BillionBaby
No question who that is. The fans are in greytone, as is the New York Stock Exchange, except for the gilded letters of its name.

Idola Tribus: Adoration of the Art of Storage
The first image, on the left, is a casual photo of a rural grain silo. The next photo to the right is an example of the well-known art of Bernd and Hilla Becher, who made a career of photographing storage silos. The next two images are of well-known industrial styled structures (one more stylized than the other) that, in a way, store art for public consumption. The last image is a photograph of the Luxembourg Free Port. This is one of a number of such facilities around the world that store art of private collectors, and that are not for public viewing. The inset images show the stainless steel doors and hallways to the storage facilities. Some suggest that these facilities are also used as money-laundering. So these images proceed from the innocence of a simple photo to ?
Each image will be framed individually.

Idola Tribus: LifeIsBeautiful
Most influencers are pretty, young women, but some are also pretty, young men. It depends on the product. Influencer is just a contemporary word for salesperson. And haven’t most salespeople always been pretty and young?