Atmospheric Resources Tracking Incorporated

Balloon with postcard & Installation View: Seyhoun Gallery April, 2007
During the 9 month period, from March to December 2004, 100 balloons were periodically released into the southern California sky. Each had attached to it, as a tail on a kite, a small translucent envelope. Inside the envelope was a post card. On one side was communicated the activities of a company named Atmospheric Resources Tracking, Incorporated. On the reverse were printed a series of questions simply asking the finder of the balloon to relate basic information about its discovery.
There were 14 findings. On the enclosed attachments are copies of the newspapers and details of the photographs and articles that reported on the flights of the balloons and the near hysteria that resulted. The disk also contains images of the returned post cards and crime scene photos for each finding. And you may read in the Detail of the last newspaper, December 12, 2004, the denouement, including the consequences for the person behind the affair.