The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels At a certain point, around the time of the conversion from matriarchies to patriarchies, roughly…
The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels One of the curious aspects for me, about the span of the 12,000 years of…
The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and the Venus of Hohle Fels Tools and Weapons The difference between a tool and a weapon is intention. Very…
The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and the Venus of Hohle Fels Meanwhile the mother-goddess returned home to Turkey, to Göbekli Tepe. It was almost as…
The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels I want to take a moment to skip ahead several thousand years, only temporarily, just…
The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels Over the next 20,000 years the descendants of Leowenmensch and Venus, seeing off the last…
The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels They honeymooned in the black forest, along the banks of the rivers; the Enz, the…
The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels The wedding party consisted of the bride attended by her friends from Willendorf; Dolni Vestonice,…
On Civilization: The Ever-unfolding Marriage of Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels The marriage of Loewenmensch (born 38,000 BCE) and Venus of Hohle Fels (born…