The Ever-unfolding Marriage of
Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels

I want to take a moment to skip ahead several thousand years, only temporarily, just to make a point about the spread of culture, and its impact on civilization.
It appears that in the 2nd to 3rd millennia BC, the Loewenmensch-Hohle Fels family continued to have prominent visibility and wielded immense leverage in places of power, particularly, at this point, in the royal halls of Egypt. These cousins, direct descendants of Loewenmensch and Venus: Loewenmensch (known as Sphinx of Giza), Loewenmensch (Sphinx of Senrusret III, and Loewenmensch.Hohle Fels, attained near-divine stature in Egypt during this time.
Of course, there were kings, and emperors, and pharaohs who exerted pragmatic control over the populace – even priests who seconded these rulers and ran fiefdoms of their own. But, as the above family portrait shows, there are families who continue through time, like the Capetians, the Kahns, and the Rothschilds in different eras, who, behind the scenes, have had, and continue to have, significant impact and influence on the trajectories of civilizations.