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On Civilization 13

The Ever-unfolding Marriage of

Loewenmensch and Venus of Hohle Fels

Over the years and the decades, the centuries and the millennia; the descendants of Loewenmensch and Hohle Fels lost connection with the world that had existed in the caves and in the huts built from mastodon bones. The people of that time had found ways to avoid conflict with other groups, live in relative harmony, and accept accumulating only what was necessary for survival.

But the later Mensch and the Hohle Fels families, and others, who lived in the amazingly transitional times of the late Neolithic and early Bronze Ages, and even Loewen, who became the iconic priest, Bes, participated in the inception of a system steeped in disparate social class, wealth accumulation, tribal conflict, and human bondage.

It is not surprising, despite communist ideals and given differences in the makeup of individuals, that hierarchical structures will be arranged when people begin to congregate and interrelate. It is only when people who govern decide that they are somehow different from, or unaccountable to, the others that unnecessary imbalance will occur.

Below is a visual record of individuals living around the populated world during the time of the late Neolithic and early Bronze periods.



